Title: 波風サテライト (Nami Kaze Satellite)
Author: Snorkel
Original Japanese
はみだした風を |
hamidashita kaze wo |
English Translation
I want to gather all the scattered winds. |
Title Translation: Nami Kaze literally translates to "waves, winds". WWWJDIC says that it means discordant. I guess if I had to translate it, I'd say something like "Chaotic Satellite." I... dunno...
Translated December 5, 2005. I submitted it to Dattebayo, and they changed some of their Naruto OP lyrics based on it. I got a little bit of credit, but not much... only at the end in the "Additional Contributions" section. It made me happy at the time. ^_^
YouTube clip (You can see me in the credits at the end... ehe ^^;)
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